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June 27th 2022

Israel Italy Workshop on Advanced Materials

Israel Italy Workshop on Advanced Materials

June 27th 2022

Abstract Submission instructions:

March 2nd @ The Nanocenter at Bar-Ilan University



Take this opportunity to submit your abstracts for Poster and oral presentations  before the deadline for the following categories:

1. Plasma Science  (PS)
2. Energy and Sustainability: Materials, Methods, and Breakthroughs (ES)

3. Nanoscience for future quantum technologies: novel materials, devices, and characterizations (NS)
4. Bio Applied Surfaces and materials (BI)
5. Nanomaterials (NM)
6. Frontiers in nanophotonics  (NP)
7. Surface science  (SS)
8. Smart and multifunctional materials and devices: transducers, sensors and actuators (SM)

9. Computational modeling and data science for new materials


Submission procedure:

  • Please use this template for your Abstract: 

  • Abstracts must be sent by email to with the subject line "IVS-IPVSTA 2023 - Poster [or Talk] for the category [category name]".

  • In the body of the email, state your full name including title, affiliation, category, details for contact (email and cell phone), and the title of your poster/talk.

  • The abstracts, maximum one page including figures and references, should be sent as an attachment (Word format). The file name should include the name of the participant and category (use abbreviations shown in session list). The attached file should include  title, authors’ names (underline presenter), and affiliations, followed by the abstract text.

A confirmation email will be sent following the abstract submission. All abstracts will undergo review by the IVS scientific committee. Submitting authors will be notified via email regarding the status of their abstract acceptance.

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