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Organic Electronics: Fundamental Concepts, Status and Promises
Antoine Kahn

Vice Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Stephen C. Macaleer ’63 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Princeton University
This talk provides a short, and admittedly limited, review of the vast and fast-expanding field of modern organic electronics. We begin with the key enabling properties of organic molecular and polymer semiconductors, which organic chemist excel at modifying almost at will, and draw some comparison with corresponding properties of “standard” inorganic semiconductors. The frontier molecular orbitals, from which derive the opto-electronic properties of the materials are discussed. The basic concept, evolution and current status of the three main organic-based devices, i.e. organic light emitting diode (OLED), photovoltaic cell (OPV) and field effect transistor (OFET) are presented, along with the expected commercial future of these applications.
Lecture Slides
Antoine Kahn, native of France, did his undergraduate physics and engineering studies at the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble. He moved to the US in 1974 and received his PhD from Princeton University in 1978. He is currently the Stephen C. Macaleer ’63 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science, Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Princeton University. He has worked extensively on atomic and electronic structures of surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors. Over the past twenty five years, he focused on the structural, electronic and chemical properties of surfaces and interfaces of intrinsic and doped organic molecular and hybrid perovskite films. Kahn has co-authored over 430 refereed regular and review articles. He holds 4 US patents. He is a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society (1999) and American Physical Society (2002), and Fellow of the School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo, Japan (2015). He currently holds a Weston Visiting Professorship (2019-21), Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, and a Visiting Professorship at Chiba University, Japan (2007-present).
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